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Hi I think it might just be me but the normal motion controlers for the HTC Vive aren't working

Hi, what version do you have (build number)?

I am back to the development, although I still can't get to my Vive :( I will try to dig it up from a box pile I currently have in my room.

ok i fixed the problem you have to manuel select the nvidea card when starting up.

But now i have problem with the binding of the controllers.

Have someone have a clue?


There is now a mess with what I do with steam vr input :( Sorry about that.

If you could check it solves a few issues and if it works, I make a proper build and put it here.


This build still does not work with Index Controllers.

It doesn't :( when I'll get home I will be fixing it. It doesn't make much sense to do it without any headset.

Try . I changed controller type for Index controller and it should be bound now properly.

nope it doesn't work either.

Please hold on till Monday.

Check #198 here, on I tested it with my WMR headset. It works now.

Hello, I'm enjoying your game a lot but I'm experiancing some issues with the Index controllers.

In v.0.3.12 some features aren't working such as being able to pick up different items and using levers but I don't mind it that much because the core functions of using the menus and shooting, work fine.

But in v.0.3.13 the controlls are completely broken. On startup, Steam gives a message that "the controller bindings for the Index controllers are not set" and I am unable to even get past the start screen. I tried to make custom controller bindings in Steam but the neccesary inputs don't appear to be there.

In v.0.3.12 there are inputs listed such as "Left Trigger Touch", "Left Trigger Press" and "Right A Press" In v.0.3.13 these are missing and replaced with "buttona", "buttonb", "buttontrigger" and "buttongrip". Even when I tried to use this custom binding it didn't seem to work.

I've sent my log file to your contact email.

Hi, thanks for detailed info (I love it when people write about problems with the game with so many details, as it really helps me to fix stuff).

As I don't have Index, I was implementing it in the same way I've done Knuckles prototypes. It didn't work. That was up to 0.3.12. With 0.3.13 there was a new way introduced but there was a small bug that was fixed with build #197. Try the newest one (#197, just uploaded it).

I just tested build 197 but the same issue persists.

Should I send another log to your mail or would you prefer to have it on something like pastebin?

With pastebin we can continue it in this thread.

I was testing binding with oculus touch and it worked, so the part of handling input voa stramvr bindings is ok. The binding itself should be ok too (with #197 do you see buttona etc bound to index contoller's buttons/axes?). Then there must be a problem with my game choosing/setting up the right binding.

Log for #197

There are no buttons bound by default. It does specify that "buttona" is required to be bound to create a custom controller mapping.

Thank you. I created a new build (not on, check ). There could be a few reasons that resulted in that problem and in this build they should be addressed properly. (manifest version, optional/mandatory setup, added a few more log statements to check if everything works fine). If you could grab it and let me know if it helps.

This game d'ont work on wmr.

can you fix this?

Interesting. I was just playing the old 0.3.7 build on WMR and came to look if there was an update.

When I get home, on Sunday :( I don't have my WMR with me (I will have to go through a pile of boxes to get to it, same goes now for Vive). Haven't changed anything related to WMR, so it should be working fine.

Although, if it was crashing, try build #197 and let me know if it helped, please.

Not sure if I'm just stupid but the basic vive motion controllers aren't working./ Is there any way to fix that?

It might be related to changes I did for Index controller. I don't have access to Index controller and right now even to Vive (it is burried behind a huge pile of boxes). Therefore, it's highly likely it is a bug.

Could you send me a log file (from _logs subfolder, a file named output<date-time>.log), please?  There should be an info that may help fixing this bug.

umm... how exactly do you send files?

oh, I forgot. To Probably I'll add "send log" from the menu.

Hi.. for some reason, the Quest 0.3.13 download at  (which is the one linked to on Sidequest)

is corrupted and refuses to install. Downloading from this page works fine.

Thanks for the info. I will reupload it.

hello, I would love to play with your game, but I have a problem that my pc does not recognize the quest with the cable, I have hopes to see it on oculus store to play with it? I would be so curious to try it

There are a few things you first need to do to be able to install apk files on your Quest. I highly recommend installing SideQuest which makes it much easier to install apks. Check

(2 edits)

Been playing the game for a while and I find it really, really good, totally in my top three games for Quest. Love the atmosphere and the locomotion of course. I have some gripes with it though (Quest version)!

Performance is kinda bad compared to other games. To play decently smooth I have to play with 0.8x resolution, direct-to-vr on, no AA or Bloom... It's quite dull and pixelated. But I recognize it's a custom engine and the non-euclidean space makes things a bit heavy (multiple cameras everywhere). I hope there's room for improvement, the Quest version could really stand out with just a bit more detail.

In my experience using Unity, shadows and shaders are what kill Quest performance. Reducing polycount helps mostly with memory, but probably there's something in the shaders that is slowing down things? The game looks already very lowpoly, I believe there's something else going on.

The elevator section with the cannons is pretty harsh. Lots of crouching to avoid death (even with crouching disallowed in the options), hard to see where the elevators will go when having multiple branches... The shield droid can only help some. After a couple runs it feels annoying rather than scary/anxious.

That's all, I believe. Keep on with the amazing work!


Thanks :)

There is a lot place to improve. I am now moving bits from fragment shader to vertex shader which should help. It should use direct to vr with max foveated rendering (I plan to change it to auto). Some of the options will be unavailable for Quest.

Number of polygons is now an issue. I already changed hands and arms from 30K to 10K but there is still a place to improve (number of draw calls for FADs and for EXMs pretty soon). Some objects in game have way too much triangles. There is no LOD system, so some objects that are small on screen take a lot of GPU.

Impossible spaces require some objects to be rendered a few times and clipped on each side of a portal.

Turret bridge will be marked as "requires crouching". Right now each type of zone has the same probabilty of appearing but that will change. I don't want to get rid of the turret bridge as when happening sometimes it just works.

Remember that there are more things coming (recently I add some new stuff and optimize a bit Quest version although I plan to focus more on new stuff). Another World style shields, deflectors, decoys, new kinds of weapons. And of course new enemies and places.


Thanks for replying and for the insight! I realize it's quite expensive to render for a low-power hardware like Quest.

Will be on the lookout for next updates! Wish you all the best. :)

I have been playing this game for several weeks, it is such a great concept and works amazingly with the Oculus Quest.  I have never felt such immersion in a game, fantastic. 

If you are looking for ideas for a future game.   I would love to see this type of concept with a spaceship alien hunt and flee scenario.  With tight corridors and unexpected jump scares I could imagine an exciting and thrilling experience.  With limited ammo, there will be times you can fight but others when you have to flee, hide and look for ammo.     

Thanks :) There are so many things that can be put even into this game. I actually plan to have some tougher enemies that would be much more aggressive and it would be better to hide from them.

For some reason, 0.3.12 is extremely slow with bad framerate and lots of jittering of the view on the Quest. Returning to 0.3.11 fixes that immediately.. any chance you could have a look into that? Thank you for your awesome work.


Thank you for the info. Could you check it again, please? Because I did that a few times and it might be something else :( There is something going really bad. I tried similar setup (experience/tourist + smaller) on two versions. I did uninstall (through adb) and install both versions and it works similar. A drop here and there (menu is unplayable). It is still far from good (many times GPU is at 4 and utilisation >90). But a day or two ago I was testing newer version (0.3.13) and a few playthroughs were unplayable, it was so bad. I am now investigating, what's going on. Haven't changed anything related to rendering (even the basic meshes) since first 0.3.11 (#190).

I will need to provide an option to reply same seed, so it is easier to test the actual performance.

It's extremely noticable right at the beginning, but also in any outside areas. It was perfectly fine in 0.3.11, but just looking at the moving people (?) at the start and turning the head left and right causes massive, nauseating jitter.


There's a huge blending mesh, I'll drop that and reduce number of "people".

I disabled anti-banding (it is noticable in some open spaces) and increased foveated rendering from 3 to 4. I also changed how light is calculated which increased things a bit even more.

But I will definitely have to investigate some meshes and fix them for Quest.

(3 edits)

Are these fixes into #195? Because yesterday I played #192 and had the same problems as Arakorn, but only during one of the two playthroughs I did, both on Tourist.

The first one went totally smooth (render scale 0.7x, AA 2x). The second instead, hours later, was all jittery no matter the graphics setup, even after starting a new level many times. Menu was always fine though! Pretty weird.

I'll update to #195 asap to check it out. By the way, have you considered a Discord server for the game?


Yesterday I've found a quite serious issue that was messing up vr composer (all frames were considered stale because of that). I also changed shaders a bit and they should be easier on GPU. Still LODs have to be added and meshes changed. But I've also found out that there is something really wrong with CPU right now - I am setting up more specific profiling tools to check what's exactly going on there.

There wasn't much going on recently when it comes to performance/gameplay code and I can't still find why 0.3.11 works better. Actually when I investigate it, it works as bad as 0.3.12 :/

There is a discord server (right now I am on my phone, but if you download pc build, ghere is a readme file with a link).


A quick update. Some of the sections are mad. Some elevators alone have 5K triangles. I have to simplify that for Quest.

What do you think about the game: "Tracey Laser" announced at gamescom? It looks like a bland copy of your game to be honest. :(

I am happy that more studios are using impossible spaces with lifts/elevators. And it's not a copy, hey :)

First public vidoes of Tea For God were available by the end of 2018 (although you could play it at PGA as early as 2017). Tracey Laser's videos are from earlier. And what's important. There was Unseen Diplomacy, Eye of the Temple (check it out, it was the first game (well, the game jam concept it is based on came first) that was using moving platforms).

The more games that use this technology, the better I say.

Before Tea For God, I wanted to use this technology for Subspace Scavengers. And I still might doing so. In that game you have a sub space ship in which you travel between different places. Would that be copying Tracey Laser? :)

Tracey Laser also looks better but that comes at a price of fixed play area. I couldn't find any info if it is procedurally generated or not. I guess it's not. 

I wouldn't be surprised if more games that use impossible spaces would appear. And they don't have to be copies. Many people may come with a very similar idea independently.

Alright cool that you're cool with it. Non-euclidean spaces is a true inovative game design for VR that can change the future imo.


Last apk 0.3.12 for Oculus is smaller than 0.3.11...32mb vs 56mb...what did you eliminate?

I run into a few unused ambient sounds that should not be the part of the build. It now will happen automatically, so it should never contain things that are not used.


Ok, great! I love this game!

Thanks! 👍

This game is amazing, and I hope other games will be adopting this form of locomotion :).

However, I frequently find myself stuck in levels that terminate in a small room with a glowing blue floor. I can't seem to find any way to make progress.

Am I missing something?

Thanks :)

That's the start. When you go inside that metal box, the doors behing you shut. You should actually look for a room with red glowing floor. To help with navigation, use arrows on displays that are attached to your hands.

I've been playing and enjoying this game for months now. I really love what you're doing. Do you have any way for a person like me to send support?

You mean, feedback? You can write here or by email ( Twitter and discord are fine too, although sometimes I forget to check them for a few days :(


Hi, I watched some youtube vids on this game, and it looks great. But every time I try to start it on my Oculus Rift S, It crashes and my headset turns off. Any fix?

Do you have a CPU with 6 cores (12 logical cores)? There is something weird going on in my game on such CPUs. If you could also send me a log file (from _logs, a file called output<date-time>.log) to, it could help.


I absolutely LOVE your game.  But, like Jervi71 below, I also crash and return to home screen with no message.  I will help you debug if needed.  Contact me if you need.


P.S. I read that you developed this in 1 month.  You are my programming hero.

Trying to repro it right now. It should be fairly simple to repro it as a there were a few people who reported the crash.

To make it clear, I worked for one month on Quest port. The game itself is in development for much longer time (if you assume 40h a week it is around 1,3 years).

It's fixed now (#189) :)

Awesome! Thanks. 

Keep up the great work! Are you planning on putting this on the the Oculus store? You would make a killing IMHO. 

I'd love to but first it has to be a fun game that works properly on Quest. And that's still a long way to go but step by step I am planning to get there.

(1 edit)


this is a great game. An excellent idea.

I have the Quest updated with last firmware and I have downloaded last version (0.3.10#188) but after few minute the game crashes and return to the Quest home with no message.

Thanks :)

About the crash. I am now trying to repro it. If I get repro, I'll fix it and upload a build.

(2 edits)

Thanks to you!

Have you already fixed it in build #189?

I try it for few minutes but seems ok!

Thanks! 👍

Yup, #189 is the one with the fix.

(1 edit)

hello may I ask if there is some kind of minimum or recommended system requirment ? running i5 2500k and old gtx660, planning to buy an rtx and have move the pc in anoterh room.

could I play the game well with this old card ?

Also is it compatible with 120 frames /sec ?

review seems grate , cant wait to try

The recommended is nVidia 970 or equivalent. There are options that can make it run smoother on slower graphic cards or at a higher rate.

How can you change the refresh rate to 120 frames/sec? The game reads the current settings from the vr system (steamvr or oculusvr) and if 120 is provided by them it maaaay work. "May" because the CPU could be a bottleneck. Most of the time a frame (we talk about a bigger level) takes less than 5ms which is below 120Hz (8,3ms) but that's on a CPU with 8 logical cores.

I keep getting an error message saying something about "could not get boundry limit". I have a Rift, and it works for other VR games i have tried. 

Do you have roomscale defined or is it in sitting/standing mode?

I think I have it as roomscale even though my room is a long rectangle. Do I need to use sitting/standing mode?

It should be room-scale. Such message appears when it can't read info about play area. With SteamVR it happens when the headset was not detected in the area. For Oculus it should be only when in standing/sitting mode.

Could you send me a log file (from _logs subfolder a file named output<date-time>log)?

The new Quest firmware update breaks hand tracking for some unofficial apps and Tea for God is among those affected. Here is the fix:

Thank you for the link. I was away from the computer today. A new build is now available with fix for the issue and performance improvements.

(1 edit)

I'm using Index controllers, and for some reason, grabbing doesn't want to work for me. I'm making a fist over highlighted objects, and it isn't quite working. I've tried rebinding controls to no avail... If anyone here has had the same problem, and fixed it, it would be awesome if you would share the fix with me.

Haven't tried that with Index :( Could you please send me a log (any of output<date-time>.log from _logs subfolder). I will check how Index controllers register, because from the information you provided, it seems that the game assumes they are normal Vive hands.

I don't know where the _logs folder is/I don't have one

In the folder, you unpacked the game there should be folders: library, settings, system. These contain game data. There should be also a bunch of folders starting with an underscore character. These are created by the game. If there are none, it might be the operating system or antivirus that makes the game run in a virtual folder. Check if there are any other folders, if not let me know. Try to search for "_logs" with a system disk search. I will also try to get in contact with someone who has a quest to get a log file.


I just discovered your game, and I love it. This is perfect to use a not so big play space at full potential.

But I can't go too far as I have the same issue. I use the brand new Valve Index controllers, and grabbing does not work. I tried many configurations without success.

I can see a lot of VR : MISSING HAND POSE 0 and VR : MISSING HAND POSE 1 in the log file.

Let me know if you need more.

Keep good work !

I don't have Valve Index, yet. I have five vr headsets (including DK1 which I think stopped working) and I was really tempted to buy Valve Index. Well I still am ;)

If you could run the game with option --drawVRControls (check run_steamVR.bat, copy it, change option to --drawVRControls). When you start the game, you will see a debug display for controls. There should be a few bars on top (for fingers), square zone for joystick and a lot of numbered buttons below. Try pressing conrols for grab, check what has changed and let me know.

Also, if you could send me a log file to . I want to make sure the name that Index controllers use to identify is recognisable by the game.

VR : MISSING HAND POSE appears when pose is not provided by vr system. It might be because hands are out of cameras' sight. In such situation it is assumed that the hand pose is the same, relatively to the head.

(2 edits)

This is an amazing concept, and it's already a fun/immersive VR game! :D I love the use of portals/non-euclidean geometry! Please keep developing this! (Especially for Quest!) I've been checking for updates way too often.. heh

Totally going to try the Quest version in my garage later once I get it cleaned out a bit! ;D Tho I am very impressed how well it works in my small room-scale space. It's nice that it can manage that, tho it does rare show some flaws in that scale.

If there's one simple feature I'd wanna see ASAP, it'd be an Option for Mazes in the Experience mode. So I'm glad to hear you're working on more options!

I'm very tempted to take a wack at making something similar to this in UE4, tho doing the portal effect in VR properly is a fun challenge. heh This movement system would be such a great way to explore a Silent Hill style horror environment. ;)

Keep up the great work! I can't wait to purchase this on the Quest store someday! (or where ever lol)

(1 edit) (+1)

If you have a PC VR you can try Shattered Lights (free on Steam), it features the same "walk in roomscale" with a horror atmosphere and is a great VR experience (but it is not randomly generated - so after one short play-through you are done).

Wonderful game. I was surprised at how long I played. 

I *REALLY* appreciate that you allow for a "no-die" play option so I can just enjoy the world.

I really enjoy the world you are building, I hope you keep expanding on it.

One thing I wish is that the route wasn't linear, like if it branched off and you had to make decisions, or even backtrack at times, like a labyrinth. Or maybe it does and I just missed it? LOL

Now if I could only sort out how to prevent my cable from getting so twisted up! :)

Thank you :)

Soon I should add a custom play option where you can change any particular setting. One of them is related to mazes (right now experience mode has no mazes). But even then the levels are linear, there is just zone after zone and I am thinking about implementing more open structure of the level. Initially I wanted to do that after weapon crafting and after I added more extension modules with UI for them, but having custom play options just screams for that.

The more open the levels will be, the more tangled the cable will get :( There is turn counter on your left wrist that may help with that and I am considering adding a mini-level to detangle the cable.

That sounds amazing.  Although yesterday I was working through a long level, and it seemed so long, and then it got very empty (no enemies) and eventually I realized that I had turned around and gone all of the way back to the beginning without realizing it. So maybe I will not be so good at mazes. Haha :)  It was still fun though.

Yes, I need to learn to use the turn counter to keep my cord form tangling.
I felt like the cord tangling was ruining my immersion, but I started to remember that I am not in the maze, I'm operating a robot in the maze, so obviously there is a cord. Like, the maze is "real", the robot is "real", I'm "real", and that made me feel immersed again.

One thing that I really enjoy is the real sense of vertigo I get when out on those high ledges! I find my knees getting week when I try to get too close to the edge, which is crazy to feel that way in VR when I know I'm in my own house with nothing to fall off of. It is amazing. Who knows, this game might even help me become less afraid of heights through exposure. :)

I might add an option to spawn more enemies. Especially that they could be dropped, use some extra elevators etc. Or just spawn behind the corner.

With that feeling that you control a robot, you are quite close to what is actually happening in the game's world.

I used to be afraid of heights. When playing in VR I don't feel anything, no discomfort, nothing. But then, after many hours in VR I noticed that I am in fact a little bit less afraid of heights. It's now just minor discomfort ;)


So, I spent most of my day playing in a 12ft x 12ft play space on my new Oculus Quest. I didn’t understand anything about the game initially. The menus were very uninviting and the tutorials, while thorough, didn’t really make sense to me. Regardless I loaded in for my first game.. and I TRIED using my joysticks to move at first  and thought something was wrong when I couldn’t... but that moment of realizing that I could just... walk. Normally. It was so profound. As a gamer it’s a moment I will never forget. It’s the first time VR really has felt like VR to me. 

And it keeps surprising me. Right before I logged off, I ran into “ducts” for the first time and had to actually crouch and crawl across my floor. It was scary and intense and i was completely and utterly immersed and it was wonderful. 

Despite being in pre alpha stage the fact that the game is procedurally generated and every play through is different gives it more replayability than pretty much everything on my oculus Quest. I’m so so grateful to have this on the Quest and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Please let me support this game with money!

Yeah, the main menu is just... Well, the best thing is that it is. And although it is better from what it initially was, it still is a far cry from what it should be. The in-game menus on the other hand will most likely stay the way they are (floating 8-bitsy windows) but there will be more stuff added there.

There will be more actual gameplay stuff coming in in following weeks. After I fix reported bugs and work a bit on improving performance for Quest, I plan to work on extension modules and weapon crafting. This should add more depth and strategy, although until there is an overall map, it will be lacking direction (well, it will be just random stuff).

Played yesterday on Quest in a very small space (4x2 cells), still had a blast. Felt kinda tense at times, maybe due to the feeling of not knowing what to expect... Totally looking forward to play more and in larger spaces!

Aside from some slight fps drops, I’d like to report a bug: I grabbed one of those small flying worm/disc bots that stick to walls, and thrown it out of a rooftop... It flew around a bit, then the game crashed hard, forcing me to reboot Quest. Maybe it didn’t find a wall to stick on!

There is a number of bugs that happen only on Quest that I gather and start fixing after I get home. Haven't heard of this one yet and repro seems straighforward :) Thanks :)

I really loved the experience but I hope you add more kinds of gamemodes other than corridor walker, maybe something with more enemies like a zombies horde defence mode? 

Also where can I send a donation?

Currently I focus on the main mode. Although it will include more than just walking through corridors. Other modes that I'd like to add I leave for later. I'd love to add multiplayer too but that is not going to happen before release (I have plenty ideas how and what but it's better to do a few things properly than start doing way too many and not finish them).

Wooh, that was a blast. Played through a run with quest, felt like I walked a mile. Never felt so clautrophobic in my life, though! XD

Performace was mostly good apart form a few stutters. Maybe when the game was loading in new assets/areas?

Seems like this could be combined with the tech that shifts the player's rotation during unconcious eye movement ( to create insanely huge spaces.

This game really highlights what I think is wrong with VR playspaces at the moment: They're 2D. In real playspaces there are places where you can step, but shouldn't swing hands overhead (e.g. light fittings) or can put your hands, but shouldn't step (e.g. couch/chair), etc. No vr system today takes this into account and it really annoys me. Not that I would expect such an early build to take that into account anyway, even if it were possible :P

Gonna wait for an overcast day and try this outside. This is probably the first time I've felt like I really needed a bigger playspace. I guess not many games have the confidence to really commit to roomscale. That rik & morty game is the only one that comes to mind.

Thanks :)

Performance might be related to portals and that's going to be changed soon. I need to investigate it more to get all bottlenecks. The assets are not loaded but it might be very similar thing - many are created on fly.

The 2Dness is a problem. I tried going up and down and it didn't work that well. With the claustrophobic feeling I will be trying an approach that was recently in Shattered Lights (if you have VR for PC, try it, it's on Steam). And was also proposed by Vince. To scale movement and the space a bit. It should help with lower scaling up.

That solution that bases on eye movement would not work. I haven't try it as I don't have the tech, but it works best when moving slowl and looking around. I've seen people running in my game. The rotations would be really quick, too quick. Although I still would like to try it and be proved wrong :)

(1 edit)

Do you still plan on doing a full proper release on the Quest store? If so have you already submitted an application or received approval from oculus?


I plan doing so. To not say too much: I am aware of Quest Pitch and Oculus is aware of my game. 

Hi, I'm trying to play this on my Oculus (CV1), and I'm having an issue where the game opens and displays on the monitor, but never displays in the headset. It happens in both Oculus and Steam VR mode... (Inside the headset, it shows the default "app is running" loading screen.) Any idea what would cause this?

If you have two graphic cards in your computer, check if the game is run in performance mode. It should be running on the faster one as if run on the slower one, the output doesn't go to the headset.

I'm running it on a gaming laptop that i use almost exclusively for VR, i'll check if it's in some kind of performance mode. I also noticed when i run it in steamVR mode it mentions a similar kind of error message about graphics cards. I'll take a closer look when I can and post more info. 

Let me know how it went. And if that didn't help, could you please tell me what laptop do you have, please?

It's the Lenovo Legion Y520 GTX 1060, it looks like this is an issue of display adapters, I see both the integrated CPU Graphics processor and the GPU. I tried following the comments here, but no luck...

I had a laptop with two cards a while ago. There should be an app to set which card/in which mode to run but ot depends on the laptop. I am away now for a few days but when I'm back I will check your laptop and I will contact you then, ok?

Whow, this was really something different. I only have a 2,5x2,5m space but still this was lot's of fun. Really innovative use of infinitive walking around a level. I have to try this in a much bigger area!

This was the first game that I played on the Oculus Quest and I loved it!  I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. Wonderful game! Now to get it working on my Vive. 

Hold on that a bit. There is a problem with controllers. Will be fixed today :)

Great, thank you!  Your awesome!

(2 edits)

I'd love to play this game, but I have an issue. In the Oculus version, my play space is not aligned correctly, and it thinks the rear of my play area is in the centre of my room, therefore i cannot play the game. However, my play area is correctly identified in SteamVR, but the oculus touch controllers are not recognised by the steamvr version. Please could you either add the ability to alter the position of the play area, or add oculus touch support for the steamvr version (the room adjustment is the most ideal method)? Thanks.

Update: It seems that reverting back to v0.3.8 has fixed the SteamVR controller issue, however, the Oculus issue is still there.

Update 2: Holy crap, what an experience! Even in my tiny 2m*1.6m play area, that was really, really immersive. Just wondering, how does the level system work? Are there multiple levels or different variations of the same level?

There is a bug in 0.3.9 with controllers on SteamVR and it is the first thing on my list to fix. There should be a fixed build (#185) today.

There is a problem with Oculus when the centre is shifted. I assumed that it is the same as for SteamVR where the playarea is always centred and it was so at least for some time and most users. But recently I heard that some people had problems with the playarea and now I am sure that it is related to that. For Oculus Quest I handle that so it is a matter of getting the centre of the playarea. It should be fixed in the same build :)

There are generators that place doors, corridors, platforms etc within given space. Generators are used by zone definitions. For an example there is a balcony zone generator that is used by balconies on adjacent towers, in a rail station, a well and a tower. Same method of defining doors but the looks change. For now the zones are randomly chosen when building a level. You can read more in a devpost:

Wait for #186. Will be uploaded soon. It is fixed and I started to work on playarea calibration utility, so it is easier to check what's wrong and adjust playarea accordingly.


Sweet, thanks! I let some of my friends, who were new to VR, try this game and they loved it. Good job 👍🏻

Hello! I love your game super immerseive! 2 suggestions I was thinking off.

(1) The oculus controllers on my quest have great haptics, it would be great if you could add haptics for reloading a gun, shooting a gun, pulling a lever, etc....! I think that could make it feel even more real!

(2) I understand that the game tries to get a square of space from your guardian. Some spaces are weird and have like a square and a long hall way sticking out. etc, do you ever plan to support non-square spaces? Could be cool to have more real estate to work with. 

Thanks :)

(1) This actually bugs me a bit because it is there for shooting (after reloading for a shotgun), picking up/touching stuff (although I am not sure if it is for every time you touch something or only for items you can pick up). You have Oculus Rift with standard Touch controllers, right?

(2) Generally speaking, yes it is possible. For time being I want to focus on the game, though. But I have in plans supporting such spaces (and bigger ones!) as it would add a lot. Initially I wanted to do that but decided to do everything with small steps. Have the basics working (generating for rectangular spaces) and then introduce more after a while.

Oh! I’m playing on quest with the new touch controllers maybe that’s why.

Good thing to know, thanks :) I know that there are two ways to have haptic feedback but implemented just one. It worked on my controllers but I will make sure about that and implement the other too :)

And makes sense thanks for the communication!

This is just so fucking cool. Actually walking around in VR is so immersive.


I remember when I bought HTC Vive and I was trying out demos. And after a few teleports I wanted to walk. Just walk, normally. I quickly run into the boundary but I loved the feeling. That night, when I was walking the dog, I realised that I can get the tech that I was developing for a different game (I still want to do that game) and use it for VR.

I totally get what you mean. A lot of the time teleporting or "walking" with the analogue stick just feels wrong. There's been a lot if cool movement mechanics in vr games yet this is the first time I've seen just simple walking and it works brilliantly. A couple of other smaller things I liked are the way the robots are designed and how you can interact with them in other ways than just shooting them. I love the way the guns extend and retract into your hand. The 1 second-long process feels so natural and fluid I find myself doing it over and over again because it just feels cool.

Take my money.  Do you have a patreon account?

No. I plan to move to early access in a few months. Probably even then I will be releasing free demo builds which will show new stuff but will have some limitations.

I would sign up for early access and give feedback.  I’m on the quest FYI.  It was pretty amazing to travel so far in a 2.5 square meter space.  

Fantastic concept works beautifully on the Quest - can't wait to see new levels/commercial build!

I will have to say "stop" eventually but there are so many things that can be added. Most likely I will just stop adding them, finish the game, release it and then continue to add stuff as updates.

You have my full support - purchase day one, love the concept - and I'm showing/promoting this to whoever I know.

I downloaded this game through SideQuest and really enjoyed it! Looking forward to seeing how this develops.


I try to post regularly and have a new build every two weeks. With Quest build it took more time but I wanted to make it working and available to the people. And now I will be getting a few days off but I still want to have a new build available by the end of July. Follow me here, on twitter, fb :)

Hey whenever i unzip this the exe deletes itself and my uac acts funny

Do you have an antivirus soft? If so, which one. I've seen similar things with other apps. Currently my exe is not signed and it doesn't help. I will have to consider getting a certificate.

My antivirus quarantined it without any notification (Bit defender Free) but i use a lot of unsigned apps on a daily basis and this has never happened.

Thanks for the info. I'll check that. I had similar issues with a different app that I was working on. Although I can't remember right now if it was Bitdefender or ByteFence. It was different technology, was build on a designated computer. It really gets down to specific parts of the code that are taken for malware.

Do you need to disable the guardian system

It helps. When not disabled you will get the guardian visible a lot.

Hi! Amazing game so far, I love it! I did try casting to my phone via the quest app though, and was met with a "this app is not supported for casting" message. Any ideas?

I've run into that when I was showing it to my wife and wanted to see what she was seeing. It might be some setting missing or an event not handled. Added that to the list and will fix it.

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