release delay

I wanted the game to be released by the end of 2022. A lot of things happened that required extra time and I could either go with Early Access soon or move the release date into future.

Planned date is 2023Q2. It is a three month window and while I have the work planned with extra buffer to land on a precise date there, I know that some of the work may take less time, some may require more time. I should announce the release date the closer we will be to the actual release.

One important thing is that the game, as I plan to release it, is going to tell a complete story. But that's not where the game's just going to end. Besides the story I plan to have an endless mode, mission/quest based with full exploration that eventually should be much bigger than the main mode. Consider the main mode a story that stands on its own legs but also is an introduction to something else.

Until then, the game development continues and preview builds (that contain everything added so far to the game) are released quite regularly (unless big changes are introduced). Preview builds are available for free to everyone. For more info, visit discord server, preview channel (

And expect demo to be updated soon with a mode that should make it easier to introduce people both to the game and to the impossible spaces concept. Without intro, with bare minimum of gameplay mechanics: infinite ammo, regenerating health, no devices, no upgrades, linear levels.

But that's not everything that is going to be added to the demo. While there will be no further story related content, there are still going to be new things added. And lots of other changes.

I don't feel good about the delay. The game is in the development for a long time already but it is now much closer to the end. It just moved a few months.

Get Tea For God


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i'd definitely rather have it be delayed than rushed, take as much time as you need to make a game that you think is good :D

Thank you :) That's the thing that I want the game to be as good as possible (within reasonable time) and at the same time I want people to experience the full story and what's happening after it.

I've got full confidence you can make something great, take all the time you need for this, man! A late game is always better than a rushed one!

Thank you. That's true and that's why I am taking more time on it. But it is worth remembering that it is better to have fewer features, polish them and release the game rather than work on it for years and years. That was my mistake until I decided to cut some of the stuff. Some is going to be introduced  post release. Some need redesigning and could eventually happen if not in TFG, in some other game (I still like the very old upgrading system but it didn't feel right in TFG).

don't feel bad about the delay shit happens take all the time you need.


Thank you!


It's just down to the ninety-ninety rule... The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time :) That last stretch takes so much more effort than people realise. Keep it up, you're doing great.


True that! I worked on a few AAA titles and with a such experience I wanted to have a different approach. And while I avoided lots of pitfalls, I did other mistakes but that division of development time still holds up. Is just spread a little bit differently. One day I want to write a post mortem to the game and will cover all of that :)

And thanks!